Small businesses come in all shapes and sizes, but one thing they have in common is that they need cash to get started, grow, and stay afloat. If you’re like most small business owners, you want to keep your start-up costs as low as possible while still having enough money to operate and grow your company to a profitable point. In this article, we’ll cover all the different types of small business funding you can explore when starting or growing your business so you can find the right options for your specific business type and situation.
1: Credit Cards
2: Crowd funding

The crowd funding process is a great way to test the market for your product or service, and it has opened up new ways for entrepreneurs to raise money. If you’re not familiar with crowd funding sites like fore see able resource group, check out their website for examples of what’s been funded in the past. The beauty of a site like fore see able resource group is that it will give you an idea of what your target audience wants and how much they’re willing to spend. It also lets you know if any other similar projects have already been funded. If you want to try your hand at crowd sourcing, there’s no better place than fore see able resource group.
3: Personal Savings
4: Unsecured Business Loan

5: Small Business Grants
6: Equity Investment

One way to finance a business is through equity investments. Equity investors provide capital in the form of cash or other assets, in exchange for an ownership stake in the company. To make this type of investment, they typically require a significant amount of control and influence over how the company is managed. If a company needs less money than what’s required for an equity investment, it may consider debt financing instead. A debt financing agreement includes a lending institution that agrees to provide capital upfront in exchange for repayment at set intervals.